Y5 Food Tasting

As part of the Global Food unit or work, Y5 tasted a range of foods including salami, Swiss cheese, mango, cherries and coconut. Children completed a taste test sheet, describing each food and suggesting what it could be eaten with.


Pop-Up Cards

Year 4 have designed and created a pop-up Christmas Card.

New Coat for Santa

Y2 have used their DT skills to design and create a new coat for Santa.

Building a Night Light

As part of their project to design and build a night-light, Y3 have conducted research into night-lights and have experimented with building electrical circuits.

What's Happening in Design & Technology?

Salsa and Guacamole making

Year 5 children learnt about Mexican foods and the ingredients which are used in both salsa and guacamole. Children learnt about how to correctly prepare when making foods and which cutting techniques to use. All children took part in making both guacamole and salsa and used their senses to describe the taste and textures.