For children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020

Hartlepool Local Authority operates single-term entry for children starting primary school.  If you have a child(ren) born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 they will be due to start Primary School in September 2024

The application period is between 7th November 2023 and 15th January 2024.  You can make your application on-line during this period*.  Before you submit your application please read the Education in Hartlepool - September 2024 booklet carefully.  The booklet provides information on the admission process, key dates and lots of information which you may find useful, including delaying your child’s entry into primary school and applying for your child to be educated out of year group.



The Local Authority allows us to manage our own admissions into our Nursery.

Children attend Nursery for fifteen hours per week, with each session lasting three hours (8.50am–11.50am or 12.25pm–3.25pm).

For more information, please speak to Mrs Martin or Mrs Connor (Fen’s Nursery Teacher and Foundation Stage Leader).

Please contact the school office on 01429-870405 for further information.



Hartlepool Local Authority has sole responsibility for admissions into every full-time year group, i.e. for every year group from Reception to Year 6.



Hartlepool Council Admissions Team co-ordinate in-year admissions for all primary and secondary schools within the town. An in-year admission is when a parent wishes to apply for a place at a school that is not during normal rounds of entry (e.g. Reception – starting primary school or Year 7 – moving from primary to secondary school).

For further guidance on admissions, please visit the Local Authority webpages:

School Admissions & Transfers: School Admissions & Transfers | School Admissions & Transfers | Hartlepool Borough Council

Applying for a primary school place: Apply for a primary school place | Apply for a primary school place | Hartlepool Borough Council

School admission arrangements: School admission arrangements | School admission arrangements | Hartlepool Borough Council

In-Year admissions: In Year School Admissions | In Year School Admissions | Hartlepool Borough Council