Welcome to Fens Primary School

At Fens Primary School all pupils, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school, and ensure that they feel they are valued members of the wider school community.

We offer a range of provision to support children with communication, interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental and health problems or sensory and physical needs. We have high expectations of all of our children and we believe that it is the entitlement of all our children to achieve their full potential.

When children are assessed and identified with SEND, we will ensure that their needs are met through Quality First Teaching and that additional support is given where required, either within school or in collaboration with specialist external agencies. Children with SEND will be taught and managed sensitively with a view to promoting their inclusion in all school activities, as far as it can be reasonably arranged, and also to promote their independence.

The Co-ordination of SEND within Fens Primary School
Mrs. C. Atkinson is the SEND coordinator for the whole of the school, and, in-line with legislation, she has undertaken and gained the National Award in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination. If contact is required, then please phone the school on (01429) 870405, or email the school (admin@fensprimary.co.uk) for the attention of Mrs C. Atkinson. We offer an open door policy and requests for appointments can be made in person at the school office.

Mrs. S Pugh is the Parent Support Officer, and she may also be able to help with some SEND questions. If parents have any concerns about their child they should contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively, they may make an appointment to meet with Mrs. Atkinson, the SEND coordinator, or Mr C Connor, the Head Teacher.

‘SEND’ Provision
Once a child is placed on the SEND register, discussions are held around the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment for that child. The views and wishes of the child and parents are central to this discussion. An IEP will be written with specific and time limited targets set; a provision map will be written and this will be reviewed termly. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress and the targets support on a termly basis, however the class teacher and SEND Coordinator will be available for other appointments if this is desired by the parents.

Fens has a graduated response to interventions and targeted support and this is in line with the Hartlepool Range Documentation.

  • Range 1: Quality first teaching for all, including differentiated classwork.
  • Range 2/3: Children receive additional, time limited and targeted interventions. These interventions may involve group work or one-to-one support. This will be closely monitored for impact on attainment.
  • Range 4i and 4ii: The SEND Coordinator and class teacher will work with specialists to select effective teaching approaches and/or more specialist interventions in order to support the child’s progress. Additional funding may be applied for to support children in these ranges.

Education Health Care Plan
Statements of Educational Need are being replaced with Education, Health and Care Plans. The Department for Education has also introduced Personal Budgets to accompany these plans, which may give parents more control over the support their children receive.

If a child’s progress is of significant concern, the school, after consultation with parents and other professionals, will consider a needs assessment from the Local Authority (LA). Parents can also request a needs assessment to be carried out.

If the LA agrees to conduct a needs assessment, it will include the parents in the assessment from the start and make them aware of the opportunities to offer views and information.

A needs assessment does not always lead to an EHCP , but the information gathered during the needs assessment may indicate ways in which the school can further meet the needs of the child without a One Plan.

When the LA does issue an EHCP, it will notify the child’s parents and give the reasons of the final decisions and the final plan will be issued. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that SEND provision meets the needs of the child and secures the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care.

SEND Policy

SEND Report for 2023

Hartlepool SEND Local Offer

Hartlepool SEND

Independent Support Services